Investment Promotion Agency (IPA)
Bangladesh Investment Development Authority (BIDA)

The One Stop Service (OSS) is an online facilitation mechanism that seeks to bring relevant government agencies together, coordinated and streamlined, to provide efficient and transparent services to domestic and foreign investors. Many countries around the world have established similar centres to centralize the execution of a number of regulatory, compliance, and value-added services through a single physical or virtual location. The purpose of the OSS is to provide investors with a single place for applying and obtaining necessary approvals for different licenses and permits required for investment in the country. These electronic investor’s services shall entirely be automated, paperless, and cashless. Specifically, all services shall be requested and rendered electronically via an online platform; all required supporting documents shall be transmitted, stored, and processed in electronic format; all applications shall be signed electronically; and all required official payments shall be made electronically in real time. The OSS shall be owned, operated2, and regulated by BIDA. Its implementation shall adopt a service-oriented architecture that allows it to interface with already existing independent electronic systems of other participating agencies. The OSS shall ultimately serve as a single window and the only point of contact between the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) and investors. It shall comprise the following components:

  1. A single website comprised of two sub-components. First, an online platform for delivering investor services to registered users. The platform will enable investors to view, request, and receive services and will enable the concerned government agencies to deliver those services. Second, an information portal for presenting all investment news, statistics, reports, primary and secondary laws, guidelines and instructions, and any other investment-related information.

2. An internal workflow management system that enables BIDA to process applications in the back office. The workflow management system shall automatically orchestrate electronic service delivery through the concerned participating government agencies as well as the flow of information among them.

3. An internal document management and archiving system that enables BIDA to manage all electronic documents transmitted via its portal.

4. A centralized backend data storage system with data redundancy, which enables BIDA to store and manage all transaction, user, and system data.

5. An internal reporting engine and data discovery and visualization tools.

Specially BIDA providing the following services for the investors;

  1. Industrial Project Registration
  2.  Branch/Liaison/Representative Office Permission
  3.  Visa Recommendation
  4.  Visa On Arrival Recommendation
  5.  Work Permit
  6.  Foreign loan approval 7. IRC Recommendation
  7. Capital Machinery Import Permit
  8. Outward Remittance Approval
  9. Waver Condition 5&7


Contact Information :

  • Contact Name: Contract name
  • Designation: Designation
  • Mobile: 01920000000
  • Phone: 01920000000
  • Email:

Last updated: 4 বছর পূর্বে

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Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) has been emerged by the Bangladesh Economic Zones Act, 2010, the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority (BEZA) was officially instituted by the government on 9 November 2010. BEZA aims to establish economic zones in all potential areas in Bangladesh including backward and underdeveloped regions with a view to encouraging rapid economic development through increase and diversification of industry, employment, production and export’.

Last updated: 6 বছর পূর্বে

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In order to stimulate rapid economic growth of the country, particularly through industrialization, the government has adopted an 'Open Door Policy' to attract foreign investment to Bangladesh. The BEPZA is the official organ of the government to promote, attract and facilitate foreign investment in the EPZs. Besides, BEPZA as the competent Authority performs inspection & supervision of the compliances of the enterprises related to social & environmental issues, safety & security at work place in order to maintain harmonious labour-management & industrial relations in EPZs. The primary objective of an EPZ is to provide special areas where potential investors would find a congenial investment climate free from cumbersome procedures.

Last updated: 6 বছর পূর্বে

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Bangladesh Hi-Tech Park Authority

Bangladesh Hi-tech Park Authority (BHTPA) is a government agency in Bangladesh dedicated to establish, manage and operate technology business parks throughout the country. 

Last updated: 4 বছর পূর্বে

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